EFFRA has launched a public consultation on the priorities for the MiE Work Programme 2025-27 (see also https://effra.eu/events/webinars-and-open-consultation-mie-work-programme-2025-27).
The deadline of the consultation is Thursday 7 September.
It would be great if you can contribute to the consultation from your perspective (and herewith that of your organisation or the stakeholders that you represent).
When you contribute to the consultation, you are warmly invited to make sure that your user profile appears on the ‘People’ search page. This way, your contributions are also publicly visible on this page among the contributions from other users that have set their privacy settings accordingly. We will promote the availability of this overview of consultation feedback, because it is also offering visibility for networking purposes.
You can find the full guidance about how to access the consultation here and the links to presentations and recordings of the consultation launch webinars below.
Please note that it is also possible to contribute to the consultation from the prespective of a particilar project. Herewith you can point out how a particular project is already contributing to achieving particular targets associated to the suggested prorities.
For any question about the consultation, please contact chris.decubber@effra.eu.