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SeCoIIA Project – Accountability in Collaborative Manufacturing Workshop_ Register Now!

SeCoIIA Project – Accountability in Collaborative Manufacturing Workshop_ Register Now!



The Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets (SeCoIIA) project organises a full-day online workshop on the 26th of May dedicated to achieving its Objective 5 – the PELICAN objective, namely to “emPower and rEsponsibiLIse key actors of the manufacturing value chain, seCure machine decision making, Adapt regulatory framework and eNforce the law.” The event aims to gather the different perspectives of participants coming from various fields, by offering them the chance to participate in an elevated discussion with esteemed panelists and contribute to the impact of the SeCoIIA project’s accountability framework.

Among the topics, the webinar will focus on the liability and due diligence in collaborative manufacturing, data rights such as access and sharing, intellectual property rights, and legal and technical investigation and prevention of adversarial attacks.

The workshop is going to take place on 26 May 2021 from 09:00 to 17:00 CET including a lunch break and coffee breaks.

Register here