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Save the date: a major ConnectedFactories dissemination event will be held on 22 May 2019 in Brussels.
To mark the upcoming conclusion of the project, ConnectedFactories will host a major ConnectedFactories dissemination on 22 May in Brussels (more information will be available in due course).
ConnectedFactories launches Video: ‘Introduction to Digitalisation Pathways’
ConnectedFactories has launched a video introducing its pathways to the digitalisation of manufacturing: Introduction to Digitalisation Pathways.
Cyber Security Workshop Report Published: Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Environments
The summary report on the findings of the recent cyber-security workshop has been published. More information on the workshop, the report and presentations from the workshop are available to view here.
Digital Manufacturing Platforms & Connected Factories and associated sessions @ ICT 2018, 4 and 5 December, Vienna
As part of the ICT 2018 conference, ConnectedFactories will host a networking session on 4 December to explore pathways to digital manufacturing. Presentations are available here.
Furthermore, on 5 December a networking session on “Federated Smart Factory Ecosystem” will introduce the conceptual federation of four platforms currently being developed in the NIMBLE, COMPOSITION, DIGICOR and vf-OS projects.
Also on 5 December the FAR-EDGE project is hosting a networking session “Enabling Industry4.0 with Blockchain on a Digital Shopfloor”.
Please also note that work programme sessions focussing on two particular manufacturing call topics will be held on 5 December:
ICT-08-2019 – Security and resilience for collaborative manufacturing environments (Presentations can be dowloaded here – associated to EFFRA/ConnectedFactories and the Cybersecurity 17/10/2018 Workshop findings)
DT-ICT-07-2018-2019 – Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories (please note that this session is held in parallel with the FAR-EDGE session mentioned above)
Presentations from Workshop on Advanced & Interoperable Digital Business-to-Business Platforms for Smart Factories & Energy, 15 & 16 October, Brussels
Presentations from the European Commission workshop on advanced and interoperable digital business-to-business platforms for smart factories and energy workshop (On 15 & 16 October, Brussels) are now available online.
Workshop on Security and Manufacturing – Presentations Online, 17 October 2018, Brussels
Presentations from the DG Connect, EFFRA and ECSO workshop on Security and Manufacturing (17 October in Brussels) can now be viewed online.
Presentations – Presentations and report (EC website)
First Italian Workshop of the Digital Shopfloor Alliance (DSA)
This workshop will take place on 13th November 2018 in Milan, hosted by POLIMI. This will be the first public event of the Digital Shopfloor Alliance, jointly promoted by AUTOWARE, DEADALUS and FAR-EDGE. It’s a regional event, targeting local SMEs in the first place. For this reason, the “official” language is Italian, with native speakers on behalf of all projects. This is the link to the EventBrite page (registration is free but mandatory):
Background: The H2020 project FAR-EDGE, in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia and Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, organizes the first Italian workshop of the Digital Shopfloor Alliance (DSA). The workshop includes the participation of Innovalia Digital, an industrial research center, one of the main promoters of the DSA and head of the Digital Innovation Hub of the Basque Country, a highly industrialized Spanish region that is investing significant resources for the digital transformation of SMEs.
DSA is a platform that aims at making the path to Industry 4.0 more accessible and productive to all the subjects, larger and smaller, involved in this technological revolution: manufacturing companies in the first place, but also solution providers, integrators and OEMs.
Thanks to the initial impulse of a group of founders involved in the three H2020 projects FAR-EDGE, AUTOWARE and DAEDALUS – such as Siemens, CNR, Innovalia and Whirlpool – and with the support of the European Commission, DSA is now able to share its first results and opens up its doors to the community of users.
This first public event is structured in two parts. In the first, the spotlight is on the world of small and medium-sized businesses in Lombardy, struggling with the ongoing digital transformation. The second one is focused on the decentralization of automation processes, which is illustrated by some advanced scenarios implemented in the scope of the three projects.
The full agenda can be downloaded here.
Edge4Industry Publishes Whitepaper on Migration from Conventional OT Automation to Emerging Digital Automation
The Edge4Industry initiative of the FAR-EDGE has published a white paper on the mirgration from conventional OT automation to emerging digital automation. FAR-EDGE is one of six projects within the ConnectedFactories cluster which are focussing on digital platforms for factory automation
Connected Smart Factories – Showcasing Recent Developments in the Smart Manufacturing Arena, 26 & 27 September 2018, Madeira
Taking place within the IEEE-IS2018 conference, this workshop will provide an opportunity for Factories of the Future and FIWARE projects to disseminate project outcomes, showcase their latest achievements and to discuss collaboration scenarios.
Factories of the Future Community Day, 27 June, Brussels
The Factories of the Future Community Day was held on 27 June 2018. Presentations from this event can be viewed via the EFFRA Cloud.
Presentations available: 5 & 6 February 2018, ConnectedFactories Dissemination Event
On 5 and 6 February, EFFFA organised and hosted a dissemination event on digital platforms in manufacturing in association with the ConnectedFactories Coordination and Support Action. The event focused on the obtained results so far of the projects launched under the FoF-11-2016 call (see ) and on associated projects.
Presentations from this event are now available online via this link.
17 to 20 June 2018:ICE/IEEE – International Conference on Engineering, Technology & Innovation
The 24th ICE/IEEE International Technology Management Conference will take place from 17 to 20 June 2018, in Stuttgart (Germany). ICE/IEEE ITMC is a place where research, science and innovation are called for original ideas, papers, debates, initiatives and projects. Authors, workshop/tutorial organizers, and participants are invited to contribute to the shaping of the prospective on engineering, technology and innovation solutions for industry and societal challenges.
22 & 23 March 2018: I-ESA’18 – Interoperability for Enterprise Systems and Applications
The I-ESA’18 conference will focus on current research, industry issues and cutting-edge research developments, makes it a major event for all in industries who have an interest in, or wonder if they may benefit from, an understanding of the potential opportunities offered by enhancing and managing interoperability in their enterprise systems and applications.
The conference will take place in Berlin.
8 March 2018: Web Info Session on call DT-ICT-07-2018 (Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories)
A web-based info session will take place on 8 march & will offer all of the details for interested applicants to the topic “Digitising and transforming European industry and services: Digital Innovation Hubs and Platforms”
Report & presentations published: 19 October 2017, Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories Workshop
The findings of the Digital Manufacturing Platforms for Connected Smart Factories workshop has been published online as have the workshop presentations.
9 November 2017: Industrial Automation Security 2017
Industrial Automation Security (IAS) 2017 will take place on 9 November in Antwerp (Belgium).The main theme for IAS 2017 is the question: Will OT security now transform IT security? It will also address the topics of white listing, optical walls and end to end system security.
ConnectedFactories Cluster Projects Ramp Up Activities
The activities of ConnectedFactories cluster projects have increased during the last quarter. All of the projects are now running at full steam. Launched in 2016, ConnectedFactories aims to establish a structured overview of available and upcoming technological approaches and best practices. The project identifies present and future needs, as well as challenges, of the manufacturing industries.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723777.