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EFFRA is organising a public consultation with respect to the Made in Europe Work Programme 26-27.
The consultation is providing a list of 10 draft ‘MiE Potential Research Topics’ with the aim of triggering feedback on which research and innovation priorities need to be addressed by the work programme 26-27. Please note that these potential research topics should not be seen as the future call topics. You can also find a document with the draft potential research topics here
You can provide your contribution to the consulation as follows (please find further below more information on how to access the consultation forms):
Putting the WP26-27 consultation within the context of the WP25-27 consultation:
This WP26-27 consultation builds on last years’ consultation for the MiE Work Programme 25-27. The 10 potential research topics for the WP 26-27 have been associated to the research priorities that offered the framework of that WP25-27 consultation. Hence previous feedback and prioritisation of the comments can be viewed, enhanced or modfied. Also, the Made in Europe Call Topics from the previous work programmes + the anticipated MiE call topics for 2025 are associated to the research priorities.
This leads to a structure that looks like this:
All registered users in the EFFRA Innovation Portal can provide feedback via both lists through their respective profile pages on the portal.
Please find a guidance video here.
Please note that:
You can find the guidance for adjusting your user profile privacy settings here.
Access to the consultation:
First, please make sure that you are logged in on the EFFRA Innovation Portal (https://portal.effra.eu).
If you don’t have an account yet on the EFFRA Innovation Portal, then please contact portal@effra.eu to request a registration link.
One logged in, please go to your profile page (which is actually this link – you will get a ‘page not found’ when you are not logged in).
Clicking the pencil at the right hand side of the list items that refer to the consultation WP26-27 brings you to the form where you can edit your feedback:
You can edit and refine your input at any time. You just need to save the comments when you edit your response. There is no ‘final submission button’.
The deadline of this consultation is 30 November 2024, however it is much appreciated if you can provide your input before 16 November.
You can find the guidance for adjusting your user profile privacy settings here.
In case you have questions about this consultation, then please contact: Chris Decubber.